Leeds, West Yorkshire

The Project

This case study focuses on improving accessibility for a customer in the Leeds area, who has specific mobility challenges. The customer owns a small scooter and a wheelchair, but his property’s steep driveway has been posing difficulties. The objective of this project is to provide a feasible solution to enhance accessibility and improve his daily living.

Application: Residential
Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire
System: Wheelchair Ramp & Steps


The individual has limited mobility, relying on a small scooter and a wheelchair for transportation. Despite the steep driveway leading to his property’s front, he has managed to cope with the situation using his scooter. However, he requires assistance in making the overall accessibility more convenient and efficient. Therefore, a rear ramp installation offers a more feasible solution than attempting to modify the front driveway due to the height difference and limited space available. It allows Mr. Cording to access his garage independently using his preferred mobility aid (walking frame or wheelchair) and then transition to his scooter with ease.


  • Rest section at midpoint of 6.3m ramp
  • Trombone Ends
  • Enlarged platform offsetting steps and allowing access to cupboard
  • Alterations to existing paving to allow ramped access past the ramp
  • New UPVC door with low level threshold

End Result

A 6.3m ramp has been installed with rest section at the midway point of the ramp. A 1200mm x 1500mm platform has been installed at the threshold, this moves the ramp out from the wall allowing access into the external cupboard alongside the steps (Meter inside). 6 steps will allow direct access from the driveway to the side door.


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